
(桐乡技师学院,浙江 桐乡 314500)

摘  要:“互联网+ 教育”突破了时空的局限,但“互联网+ 教育”并不是传统课堂在互联网上简单的数字化再现。开展基于互联网的教学工作,教师对学情的掌握,对学生学习绩效的评价,对自身教学方式方法的改进,必须适时地通过积极,巧妙,灵活多样的、基于互联网的互动环节来实现。充分运用教育智慧,遵循教学和人才成长规律,因材施教,完成对学生的多样化和个性化培养,完成非常时期的教育教学任务。

关键词:互联网教学;互动环节;互联网+ 教育


中图分类号:TP393;G434       文献标识码:A       文章编号:2096-4706(2020)08-0188-04

The Design of Interactive Links in Internet Teaching

WANG Yiwen

(Tongxiang Technician College,Tongxiang 314500,China)

Abstract:“Internet plus education” has broken through the limitations of time and space,but “internet plus education” is not a simple digital reproduction of traditional classroom on the internet. To carry out the teaching work based on the internet,teachers should grasp the learning situation,evaluate the students’learning performance,and improve their own teaching methods,which should be realized through active,ingenious,flexible and diverse interactive links based on the internet. Make full use of educational wisdom, follow the law of teaching and talent growth,teach students according to their aptitude,complete the diversified and personalized training of students,and complete the task of education and teaching in an extraordinary period.

Keywords:internet teaching;interactive links;internet plus education


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