
“新工科”背景下电子信息专业教学改革 ——以“数字电子技术基础”课程为例
(1. 合肥师范学院 电子信息与电气工程学院,安徽 合肥 230601;2. 合肥师范学院 计算机学院,安徽 合肥 230601)

摘  要:为响应教育部“新工科”建设要求,向社会输送新型信息技术人才,电子信息专业必须发展与之相适应的教学模式,构建以市场、企业需求为导向的教学体系。目前,高校电子信息专业的教学模式多为传统方式,与技术发展脱节且缺乏实践能力训练。为改善这一现状,以“数字电子技术基础”课程为例提出了一种“1331”教学模式,分别从教学目标、教学内容、教学手段和考核模式四个方面出发,探索“新工科”背景下的教学改革方向。


中图分类号:G642.0         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)10-0188-03

Education Reform for the Major of Electronic Informationunder the Background of “New Engineering”

——Taking the Course of “Foundation of Digital Electronic Technics” as Example

QI Qi1,LIU Yi2,CAO Xinyuan1

(1.School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering,Hefei Normal University,Hefei 230601,China;2.School of Computer Science and Technology,Hefei Normal University,Hefei 230601,China)

Abstract:In order to respond the requirement of the construction for “new engineering”from the ministry of education,and provide the talents of new information technology for society,a corresponding teaching model must be improved and a teaching system which is guided by the market demand and enterprise needs must be established in the major of electronic information. Most of the current teaching models in the major of electronic information are traditional in college,and these models are separated from technological development and lack practical ability training. To improve this situation,a“1311”teaching model for the course of “Foundation of Digital Electronic Technics”is proposed,and the direction of teaching reform under the background of new engineering is explored in four aspects:teaching goals,teaching content,teaching methods and assessment modes.

Keywords:new engineering;foundation of digital electronic technics;teaching model



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