
“模拟电子技术”课程探讨 ——以“放大电路基础”教学改革为例
(漳州城市职业学院 电子信息工程系,福建 漳州 363000)

摘  要:“模拟电子技术”是一门理论与实际紧密结合,应用性很强的课程,在传统教学中存在理论知识抽象烦琐、学生学习兴趣低且动手能力差等方面的问题,针对这一现状,提出构建模拟电子技术的项目课程理实一体化的教学模式实施方案,以便学生能够更好地理解和掌握模拟电子技术的基础知识,提升他们的动手能力,真正实现高职院校应用型、技能型人才的培养目标。


中图分类号:TN710;G642.0         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0175-06

Discussion on the Course of “Analog Electronic Technology”

——Take the Teaching Reform of “Amplifying Circuit Foundation” as an Example

SUN Shunhong,LIN Shuling

(Dept. of Electronic and Informatics,Zhangzhou City College,Zhangzhou 363000,China)

Abstract:“Analog Electronic Technology” is a highly applied course which combines theory with practice closely. In traditional teaching,there are some problems,such as abstract and complicated theoretical knowledge,low interest in learning and poor practical ability of students. Aiming at this situation,it puts forward the implementation scheme of the teaching mode of integrating theory with practice of the project course of analog electronic technology,so that students can better understand and master the basic knowledge of analog electronic technology and improve their hands-on ability,and truly realize the training goal of application-oriented and skilled talents in higher vocational colleges.

Keywords:“Analog Electronic Technology” course;teaching mode;inspection and maintenance of household appliances

基金项目:2016 年度福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(科技A 类)(JAT160917);2019 年度福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(科技A 类)(JAT191436)


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