
基于项目化+ 翻转的物流信息系统课堂 教学设计与实践
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253000)

摘  要:为适应新时代的人才培养要求,对高校学生的综合能力、素养等提出了更高的要求。人的培养不仅仅局限于知识、专业、能力等方面,更重要的是人性的培养,而新时代的大学生要树立正确的人生观、价值观,要具备极强的信国、爱国、强国意识。通过对物流信息系统课程的建设,从课堂教学改革、教学设计和落地实施等方面进行探索,在增长学生知识的同时,培养学生的能力、综合素养。

关键词:项目化+ 翻转;课堂教学;教学设计;实践


课题项目:2021 年山东华宇工学院物流信息系统课程课堂教学改革项目;校级一流本科课程建设项目;2021 年物流教改教研课题计划《基于应用型本科教育的物流工程专业翻转课堂教学方法设计与研究》(JZW2021138)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                  文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)21-0195-04

Classroom Teaching Design and Practice of Logistics Information System Based on Projectized+Flipped 

XU Huiqing

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: In order to meet the requirements of talent training in the new era, higher requirements are put forward for the comprehensive ability and quality of college students. The cultivation of people is not only limited to knowledge, specialty and ability, but also the cultivation of human nature. College students in the new era should establish a correct outlook on life and value and have a strong sense of faith, patriotism and power. Through the construction of logistics information system course, explore from the aspects of classroom teaching reform, teaching design and implementation, so as to increase students’ knowledge and cultivate students’ ability and comprehensive quality. 

Keywords: projectized + flipped; classroom teaching; teaching design; practice


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