
基于微助教的翻转课堂教学设计与实践——以“Web 开发基础”课程为例
(北京联合大学 应用科技学院,北京 100012)

摘  要:为了进一步深化“城市型、应用型”大学教育教学综合改革,促进学生全面成长,以“Web 开发基础”课程为例,针对新冠疫情背景下教学的实际情况,结合本校学生特点,通过“中国大学 MOOC 平台 SPOC+ 微助教 + 企业微信”网络平台,尝试开展了翻转课堂教学设计与实践探索。具体包括:设置三大平台主要分工,课前、课中、课后三阶段教学详细设计。实践表明,三大平台易于操作、功能丰富。翻转课堂三阶段教学突破了传统课堂教学模式,创新了教学方法,有利于提升学生学习兴趣。

关键词:翻转课堂;中国大学 MOOC 平台 SPOC;微助教;企业微信


基金项目:北京联合大学 2020 年度教育教 学研究与改革项目(JJ2020Q011)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                    文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0191-05

Design and Practice of Flipped Classroom Teaching Based on Micro Teaching Assistant —Take the “Fundamentals of Web Development” Course as an Example

LIU Xiaoyu, CHEN Zhansheng

(College of Applied Science and Technology of Beijing Union University, Beijing 100012, China)

Abstract: In order to further deepen the comprehensive reform of “urban and applied” university education and teaching and promote the all-round growth of students. Taking the “Fundamentals of Web development” course as an example, aiming at the actual situation of teaching in the context of COVID-19 and combining the characteristics of our school students, we have tried to design and practice the flipped classroom teaching through the “China University MOOC platform SPOC + micro teaching assistant + enterprise WeChat” network platform. Specifically, it includes: setting up three platform’s main division of labor, and detailed design of threestage teaching before, during and after class. Practice shows that the three platforms are easy to operate and have rich functions. The threestage teaching of flipped classroom breaks through the traditional classroom teaching mode and innovates teaching methods, which is conducive to improving students’ interest in learning.

Keywords: flipped classroom; China University MOOC platform SPOC; micro teaching assistant; enterprise WeChat


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作者简介:刘晓宇(1979—),男,汉族,辽宁抚顺人,讲师, 博士,研究方向:教育信息化。