
基于 Moodle 平台的高中信息技术课程教学分析
(靖江市刘国钧中学,江苏 泰州 214531)

摘  要:对高中信息技术课程教学方法进行了研究,讨论 Moodle 平台实践教学中的应用。采用文献研究法与实践教学法,通过文献资料调查了解相关教学理念,提出教学建议后在实践教学中加以验证。分析高中信息技术课程教学现状,发现课程教学存在一定不足,并从课程项目设计、线上环境创设、教学实例分析三个方面进行讨论。通过“探秘编程”课程实践,发现基于Moodle 平台的课程教学要点直观清晰,教学质量大幅提升。

关键词:Moodle 平台;高中;信息技术;课程教学


中图分类号:TP39;G434                                   文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0195-04

Teaching Analysis of Information Technology Course in Senior High School Based on Moodle Platform


(Jingjiangshi Liuguojun Middle School, Taizhou 214531, China)

Abstract: This paper studies the teaching methods of information technology course in senior high school, and discusses the application of Moodle platform in practical teaching. Uses literature research method and practical teaching method to understand relevant teaching concepts through literature investigation, puts forward teaching suggestions and verify them in practical teaching. Analyzes the teaching status of information technology course in senior high school, finds some deficiencies in course teaching, and discusses it from three aspects: course project design, online environment creation and teaching example analysis. Through the practice of “explore programming” course, it is found that the teaching points of the course based on Moodle platform are intuitive and clear, and the teaching quality is greatly improved.

Keywords: Moodle platform; senior high school; information technology; course teaching


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