
基于 OBE 的线上线下混合式教学模式研究——以“数据库原理及应用”为例
(厦门工学院,福建 厦门 361021)

摘  要:随着计算机和网络技术的不断发展与应用,互联网 + 教育迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。近二十年来,以学生学习成果为导向的教育模式在中国不断流传开来。文章立足于民办本科高校生源特点,在充分分析本校学生的学习能力、态度、兴趣和积极性的基础上 , 进行线上线下混合式教学的探索。对比学生线上线下学习效果,结果显示,采用线上线下混合式教学模式能更好地提升学生的学习兴趣、增加学生的学习参与度,从而提高了学生的学习成绩。

关键词:线上线下;学习成果导向;互联网 +;教学模式


基金项目:2018 年福建省高校“杰出青 年科研人才培育计划”;厦门工学院 2019 年 校级教学团队“应用型实践创新教学团队” (XJTD19004);厦门工学院 2021 年线上线下 混合式课程“数据库原理及应用”(XJKC21004)

中图分类号:TP273.4;G434                                  文献标识码:A                            文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0187-04

Research on Online and Offline Blending Learning Mode Based on OBE 

—Take “Database Principle and Application” as an Example

ZHENG Yinhuan, ZHENG Yilong

(Xiamen Institute of Technology, Xiamen 361021, China)

Abstract: Internet plus education has ushered in unprecedented opportunities and challenges with the continuous development and application of computer and network technology. In the past two decades, the educational mode guided by students’ learning achievements has spread in China constantly. Based on the characteristics of private undergraduate university students, this paper explores the online and offline blending learning mode on the basis of fully analyzing the learning ability, attitude, interest and enthusiasm of our students. Comparing the online and offline learning effects of students, the results show that using the online and offline blending learning mode can better improve students’ learning interest, increase students’ learning participation, and improve students’ learning performance.

Keywords: online and offline; learning achievement orientation; internet plus; teaching mode


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作者简介:郑银环(1984—),女,汉族,福建漳州人,副教授,硕士,研究方向:数据挖掘、数据分析、高等教育;通讯作者: 郑毅龙(1988—),男,汉族,讲师,学士,研究方向:应用数学、 思想政治教育。