
(安徽师范大学皖江学院 电子工程系,安徽 芜湖 241000)

摘  要:为了提高“通信原理”课程线上的教学效果,从课程目标、课堂教学设计、实践教学、考核方式对课程进行教学改革。通过挖掘课程中蕴含的思政元素,融入专业课堂教学;利用在线教育平台开发多个模块实现教师有的放矢地“教”,学生自觉主动地“学”;利用虚拟仿真技术开展验证性、综合性、设计性等实验实践教学;从学习过程、学习结果等多元化考核优化课程考核。通过教学改革,提高了学生学习兴趣,取得良好的教学效果。



基金项目:安徽省高校优秀拔尖人才培育 资助项目(gxyq2020093)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                  文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2021)24-0181-04

Exploration on the Teaching of “Communication Principles” Course Based on Online Platform

ZHU Qiangjun

(Department of Electronic Engineering, Wanjiang College of Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China)

Abstract: In order to improve the online teaching effect of the “Communication Principles” course, the teaching reform on course is carried out from the course objectives, classroom teaching design, practice teaching and assessment methods. By exploring the ideological and political elements contained in the course, it can be integrated into the professional classroom teaching. Using online education platform to develop multiple modules to achieve teachers’ targeted “teaching”, students’ consciously and actively “learn”; using virtual simulation technology to carry out experimental practice teaching such as validation, comprehensiveness and design; optimize the course assessment from the diversified assessments such as learning process and learning results. Through the teaching reform, students’ interest in learning has been improved and good teaching results have been achieved.

Keywords: “communication principles” course; online teaching; course ideological and political education; virtual simulation


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