摘 要:当前,线上教学已经成为高职课堂教学中的常规教学模式,对于帮助教师完成教学计划,提高教学效率具有重要意义。文章具体剖析了更合适高等职业院校网络信息安全课程在线课堂教学的方法和方式,以更改现阶段教育模式不可以达到经济发展必须的现况,使学员可以灵活运用在线课程学知识和专业技能,为时代培育大量的高质量优秀人才。
基金项目:2020 年广东省教育教学改革研究与实践项目高职扩招专项(JGGZKZ2020148);2020 年广东省教育厅科研平台与项目 - 特色创新项目(自然科学)(2020KTSCX362);清远市网络安全与维护技能大师工作室
中图分类号:TP39;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0195-04
Application Research of Online Teaching in the Professional Courses of Higher Vocational Network Security
WANG Bin, ZHANG Xiaolei
(Qingyuan Polytechnic, Qingyuan 511510, China)
Abstract: At present, online teaching has become a regular teaching mode in higher vocational classroom teaching, which is of great significance to help teachers complete teaching plans and improve teaching efficiency. This paper specifically analyzes the methods and ways that are more suitable for online classroom teaching of network information security courses in higher vocational colleges, so as to change that the current education mode cannot achieve the necessary current situation of economic development. So that students can flexibly use online courses to learn knowledge and professional skills. And it cultivates a large number of high-quality and outstanding talents for the times.
Keywords: higher vocational network security major; course teaching; online teaching
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