摘 要:“虚拟化技术”课程是云计算技术应用专业核心课程。针对目前课程内容与岗位需求脱节、课堂教学单向灌输、 考核方式单一等问题,从教学内容、教学模式和考核机制等方面开展了课程教学改革探索,提出了适合“虚拟化技术”课程的新方法:基于工作岗位、1+X 证书的内容以及云计算大赛的内容重构了课程内容;提出了基于三阶段的线上与线下相结合的混合式教学模式;构建了过程性评价和总结性评价相结合的考核方法。该教学改革实践证明,提出的方法激发了学生学习的兴趣,提高了学生的学习能力,改进了教学质量,取得了良好的教学效果,对人才培养具有参考价值。
中图分类号:TP39;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)08-0179-05
Teaching Reform and Practice of “Virtualization Technology” Course Based on Three Stages
LIU Haiyan1, LIU Xiaomin2, JI Zhaohua 1, CHEN Ting1
(1.School of Industrial Internet, Beijing Information Technology College, Beijing 100018, China; 2.School of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China)
Abstract: “Virtualization technology” course is the core course of cloud computing technology application major. In view of the current problems such as the disconnection between the course content and the job demand, one-way indoctrination of classroom teaching, and single assessment method, the course teaching reform is explored from the aspects of teaching content, teaching mode, and assessment mechanism, and new methods suitable for the “virtualization technology” course is proposed: the course content is reconstructed based on the job position, the content of 1+X certificates, and the content of cloud computing competition; a blended teaching mode based on the combination of online and offline teaching in three stages is proposed; an assessment method combining process evaluation and summary evaluation is constructed. The teaching reform practice has proved that the proposed method has stimulated students’ interest in learning, improved students’ learning ability, improved teaching quality, achieved good teaching results, and has reference value for talent training.
Keywords: teaching reform; virtualization technology; blended teaching; teaching evaluation
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