
ARCS 模型在基于超星学习通的混合式教学中的应用 ——以“生物信息学”课程为例
(安徽中医药大学 医药信息工程学院,安徽 合肥 230012)

摘  要:信息和测序等技术的发展导致了海量生物数据的诞生,也带动了生物信息学的发展。传统的“课堂—上机”教学模式已不能满足信息时代对本课程的学习需求,迫切需要改革。而互联网技术的发展也让超星学习通等智慧平台成为教学的有利工具。因此,该研究探讨 ARCS 模型在基于超星学习通的混合式教学中的应用,并以“生物信息学”课程为例,旨在探索如何改善学生学习动机的方法模式,最终优化教学效果,为地方院校的教学实践提供一定的参考借鉴。




中图分类号:TP39;G434                                文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0180-05

Application of ARCS Model in Blending Learning Based on Superstar Learning APP—Take the “Bioinformatics” Course as an Example

YANG Yinfeng, OUYANG Ting, ZHANG Lei, WANG Dan, KAN Junling

(School of Medical Informatics Engineering, Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230012, China)

Abstract: The development of information and sequencing and other technologies have led to the birth of massive biological data, and also driven the development of bioinformatics. The traditional “classroom-on machine” teaching mode cannot meet the learning needs of the information age for the course, and it is urgent to reform. And the development of Internet technology has also made Superstar Learning APP and other smart platforms become favorable tools for teaching. Therefore, this study discusses the application of ARCS model in Blending Learning based on Superstar Learning APP, and takes the “Bioinformatics” course as an example to explore how to improve the method mode of learning motivation of students, optimize the teaching effect finally, and provide certain reference for teaching practice of local colleges and universities.

Keywords: ARCS; Superstar Learning APP; learning motivation; bioinformatics; Blending Learning


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作者简介: 杨银凤(1986.03—), 女, 汉 族, 安徽合肥人,副教授,博士,研究方向:生物信息学;通讯作者:阚峻岭(1973.11—),男,汉族,安徽合肥人,副教授,硕士,研究方向:医学信息工程。