
线上线下混合式教学在“工程热力学” 课程中的探索实践
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:“工程热力学”是能源与动力工程、建筑环境与能源应用工程、新能源科学与工程等能源类专业学生的专业核心必修课,也是众多高校的考研专业课程。文章针对传统教学过程中存在的问题,打破“以教师为中心”的传统教学模式,探索一种“以学生为中心”的线上线下混合式教学模式,从而提高“工程热力学”课程的教学质量和教学效率,培养学生的自主学习能力,提高学生的思辨能力与创新能力。



课题项目:山东华宇工学院课堂教学改革试点课程《工程热力学》(2021KG-17);山东华宇工学院 2021 年度教学改革研究项目(2021JG22)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0185-05

Exploration and Practice of Online and Offline Blending Learning in “Engineering Thermodynamics” Course

QI Susu, WANG Zheng, WEI Na

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: “Engineering Thermodynamics” is a core required course for energy majors such as energy and power engineering, building environment and energy application engineering, new energy science and engineering, and it is also a professional course for postgraduate entrance examination in many colleges and universities. In view of the problems existing in the traditional teaching process, this paper breaks the traditional teaching mode of “Teacher centered” and explores a “student-centered” online and offline Blending Learning mode, so as to improve the teaching quality and teaching efficiency of the “engineering thermodynamics” course, cultivate students’ autonomous learning ability, and improve students’ thinking ability and innovation ability.

Keywords: engineering thermodynamics; student-centered; online and offline Blending Learning


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