摘 要:案例教学需要根据教学对象的不同,使用不同的教学案例。由于不同专业的学生有着不同的学习背景,思维方式也有差异,将课程教学知识点与立德树人相结合,设计了与提高医学生素质教育相关的主题案例,并运用数据库技术,将这些案例构建成课程案例库软件系统,实现对课程案例的管理。最终实现教学资源的共享,让学生在学习过程中产生认同感,进一步提高计算机基础教学的广度和深度。
课题项目: 辽宁省普通高等教育本科教学改革研究 2021 年度课题项目(2021-566); 全国高等院校计算机基础教育研究会 2021 年度计算机基础教育教学研究课题(2021-AFCEC-393);沈阳医学院 2020 年度教学改革课题(YB2020022);沈阳医学院一流本科课程建设项目(2021 计算机应用基础)
中图分类号:TP311;G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0188-04
Design and Development of Case Base System Based on Access Database Technology
CAI Hongtao
(Computer Teaching and Research Office, Shenyang Medical College, Shengyang 110034, China)
Abstract: Case teaching needs to use different teaching cases according to different teaching objects. Due to students of different majors have different learning backgrounds and different ways of thinking, it combines the teaching knowledge points of the course with strengthening moral education and cultivate people, and designs the thematic cases related to development of the quality education of medical students. And it uses database technology, builds a course case base software system from these cases to realize the management of course cases. Finally, the sharing of teaching resources will be realized, so that students can have a sense of identity in the learning process, and further improve the breadth and depth of basic computer teaching.
Keywords: database; case base; sharing; Access2016
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