
开放式实验在“核工程虚拟仿真实验” 课程教学中的应用初探
(哈尔滨工程大学 核科学与技术学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001)

摘  要:“核工程虚拟仿真实验”是多学科交汇的综合性实验,旨在强化专业课程知识并实际应用,实验设立以来取得了预期效果。为了进一步契合新工科战略中成果导向、自主实验的模式,对课程进行了开放式改革。改革后的实验以学生自主设计、创新实验、成果点评、综合分析为主线,指导学生进行创新、创意、实践与验证。改革后的课程实现了继承与创新、交叉与融合、协调与共享的新工科途径,满足战略性、创新型和系统化的人才培养需求。




中图分类号:TP391.9;TL48                              文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0192-04

First Exploration of Application on Open Experiment in “Nuclear Engineering Virtual Simulation Experiment” Course Teaching

SUN Jilin, CHENG Shouyu, XUE Ruojun, ZHANG Bowen, PENG Minjun

(College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)

Abstract: The “nuclear engineering virtual simulation experiment” is a comprehensive experiment of multi-disciplinary intersection, which aims to strengthen the professional course knowledge and practical application. The experiment has achieved the expected results since its establishment. In order to further conform to the mode of achievement oriented and independent experiment in the new engineering strategy, an open reform has been carried out for the course. The reformed experiment takes the independent design, innovative experiment, achievement review and comprehensive analysis of students as the main line, guides students to carry out innovation, creativity, practice and verification. The reformed course realizes the new engineering approaches of inheritance and innovation, intersection and integration, coordination and sharing, and meets the needs of strategic, innovative and systematic talent training.

Keywords: nuclear engineering virtual simulation experiment; open experiment; teaching reform; new engineering approach


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