摘 要:信号与系统是电子信息类的核心基础理论课程,该课程具有抽象性、数学公式多和内容繁杂等特点,导致在实际教学过程中普遍存在着学生难学及枯燥乏味现象。为激发学生学习兴趣,引入 Matlab 软件到实际课程教学中,将信号与系统中一些抽象的概念及复杂数学公式推导转化为可观察图形,使学生进一步领悟到信号通过系统后发生各种变换的物理含义,提高学生对抽象理论的感性认识,极大提高了教学质量。同时,学生掌握了 Matlab 软件使用,拓宽学生解决实际问题能力。
基金项目: 福建省自然科学基金项目(2021J011146);武夷学院引进人才科研启动基金资助项目(YJ202017)
中图分类号:TP301;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0195-04
Teaching Exploration and Practice on Application of Matlab to the “Signal and System” Course
CHEN Guangfu
(School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Wuyi University, Wuyishan 354300, China)
Abstract: Signal and System is the core basic theory course of electronic information class. This course has the characteristics of abstraction, many mathematical formulas and complicated contents, which leads to the phenomenon that students are difficult to learn and boring in the actual teaching process generally. In order to stimulate the interest of students in learning, the Matlab software is introduced into the practical course teaching, signals and some abstract concepts and complex mathematical formulas in systems are transformed into observable graphics, so that students can further understand the physical meaning of various transformations after signals pass through the system, improve students’ perceptual understanding of abstract theories, and greatly improve the teaching quality. At the same time, students master the use of Matlab software and broaden their ability to solve practical problems.
Keywords: Signal and System; Matlab; teaching reform
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