
“互联网 +”时代人工智能学院学生学习 特征分析与研究
(陕西职业技术学院,陕西 西安 710100)

摘  要:“互联网 +”给学生的学习带来巨大变化,选择合适的教学内容和教学方式是当前教学改革的关键。文章通过问卷网针对学生的学习情况进行问卷调查并应用 spsspro、Excel 软件对调查问卷结果进行数据汇总和分析,总结得出将近 2% 的学生在学习上需要引导。分析年级和学生网络学习方式的相关性,获得网络学习和学习目标达成相关性 Kendall 协调系数值为 0.755(高度相关一致性),这一结果是后续课程设计和教学设计的重要参考。

关键词:问卷调查;Cronbach’s α 系数;Kendall 协调系数



中图分类号:TP391                                         文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)19-0171-05

Analysis and Research on the Learning Characteristics of Students in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence in the “Internet+” Era

MOU Like

(Shaanxi Vocational & Technical College, Xi’an 710100, China)

Abstract: “Internet+” has brought great changes to students’ learning. The key of current teaching reform is to choose appropriate teaching content and teaching methods. This paper conducts a questionnaire survey on students’ learning through the questionnaire network and uses spsspro and Excel software to summarize and analyze the data of the questionnaire results. It concludes that nearly 2% of students need guidance in learning. Analyzing the correlation between grades and students online learning methods, the Kendall coordination coefficient value of the correlation between online learning and learning goal achievement is 0.755 (highly relevant consistency), which is an important reference for subsequent curriculum design and teaching design.

Keywords: questionnaire; the coefficient of Cronbach’s α; Kendall coordination coefficient


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作者简介: 牟力科(1976—),男,汉族,陕西宝鸡人,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:人工智能。