摘 要:在教学实践中以 Python Web 程序设计课程为例,阐述基于敏捷开发模式的计算机教学实践探究。在教学实践探究中运用敏捷开发模式进行教学,把整体所教授课程内容当成一个产品,通过把课程知识任务化、模块化、需求化,在每个产品迭代周期内交由学生去自主完成相关课程知识的学习和掌握,并根据迭代周期内的产出成果进行验收;然后对所教内容进行相应的指导;最后辅以灵活的考核机制进行教学改革实践,达到提升教学质量的目的。
关键词:Python Web 程序设计;敏捷开发;教学改革;教学实践
中图分类号:TP393;G642.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)19-0188-03
Exploration on Computer Teaching Practice Based on Agile Development Mode
LI Dong, SUN Shiwen, LI Hongjie
(Shandong Youth University of Political Science, Jinan 250103, China)
Abstract: Taking the course of Python Web programming as an example in the teaching practice, the exploration on computer teaching practice based on the mode of agile development is expounded. The mode of agile development is used for teaching in the teaching practice and exploration, and the whole taught course content is regarded as a product, and the course knowledge is tasked, modularized and demanded. The students are left to complete the learning and mastering of the relevant courses knowledge independently in each product iteration cycle, and they check and accept them according to the output results in the iteration cycle. Then they give corresponding guidance for the teaching content, and finally carry out the teaching reform practice with an auxiliary and flexible assessment mechanism to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of teaching.
Keywords: Python Web programming; agile development; teaching reform; teaching practice
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