摘 要:“管理学”课程是管理类各专业的必修专业基础课。目前,这门课程大多采用讲授法教学,学生学习感觉枯燥无味,不能有效运用管理理论指导实践。为发挥学生学习的主体作用,开展了“管理学”教学改革。在建构主义理论指导下,运用现代教育信息技术,以组织学生分组完成模拟创建公司为例,说明如何组织学生开展探究学习和合作学习。通过开展建构主义视域下的“管理学”教学改革,建立起学生主体、教师主导的新型教学关系。
中图分类号:TP39;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)19-0191-04
Research on the Application of Modern Educational Information Technology in the Teaching Process Taking the Teaching Reform of “Management” as an Example
XU Jin
(Zhanjiang University of Science and Technology, Zhanjiang 524000, China)
Abstract: The course of “management” is a compulsory professional basic course for all management majors. At present, this course mostly uses the teaching method to teach, and the students feel boring in the study. They cannot effectively use the management theory to guide the practice. In order to give full play to the learning main role of students, the teaching reform of “management” has been carried out. Under the guidance of constructivism theory, this paper illustrates how to organize students to carry out inquiry learning and cooperative learning by using modern educational information technology and taking an example of organizing students to complete to create a simulation company in groups. By carrying out the teaching reform of “management” from the perspective of constructivism, a new-type teaching relationship of student-oriented and teacher-lead has been established.
Keywords: constructivism; management; teaching reform
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