
基于“互联网 +”与 OBE 理念的“工程测量”课程 教学改革研究
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:随着建筑行业的快速发展,对工程测量精度的要求也越来越高,然而“工程测量”课程的课时量却在不断地被压缩,如果一味采取传统的教学方式,很难达到企业、行业的人才培养需求。文章基于“互联网 +”与 OBE 理念,从课程的教学现状、教学目标、改革思路、改革措施等方面进行梳理,对教学方法、教学考核形式进行具体的改革,形成“一体、二线、三堂、四化”的创新教学模式,实现三全育人,提升教书育人的效果。

关键词:工程测量;互联网技术;OBE 理念;三全育人


基金项目:山东华宇工学院第二批一流本科建设课程(鲁华宇政字 <2021>166 号);山东华宇工学院课堂教学改革试点课程(2022KG-18);山东省住房和城乡建设厅 2020 年科技计划项目(2020-R2-14)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                   文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0163-06

Research on the Teaching Reform of “Engineering Measurement” Course Based on “Internet+” and OBE Concept

XU Xipeng, YANG Yanru

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: With the rapid development of the construction industry, the requirements for the accuracy of engineering measurement are also getting higher and higher. However, the class hours of the “engineering measurement” course are constantly being compressed. If traditional teaching methods are blindly adopted, it is difficult to meet the needs of enterprises and industries for talent training. Based on “Internet +” and OBE concept, this paper combs the teaching status, teaching objectives, reform ideas, reform measures and other aspects of the course, carries out specific reforms in teaching methods and teaching assessment forms, forms an innovative teaching mode of “one body, two lines, three lessons and four modernizations”, realizes three-wide education, and improves the effect of teaching.

Keywords: engineering measurement; Internet technology; OBE Concept; three-wide education


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