
OBE 理念下“社交礼仪”课程混合式教学模式探索
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:文章主要探索 OBE 理念下“社交礼仪”课程混合式教学模式。在分析课程教学面临主要问题的基础上,提出可持续改进课程混合式教学模式,结合人才培养方案重构教学内容,并对课程混合式教学的实施过程与评价方式进行改革。最后,通过对非试点教学班和试点教学班的综合对比,得出混合式教学更有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,养成自主学习习惯,提高学习效率,增强团队意识。

关键词:OBE 理念;教学内容;教学模式;评价方式;学习成果


基金项目:山东华宇工学院 2021 年度教学改革研究项目(2021JG42)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                  文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0180-05

Exploration on the Blended Learning Mode of “Social Etiquette” Course under the OBE Concept


(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: This paper explores the blended learning mode of “Social Etiquette” course based on OBE concept. On the basis of analyzing the main problems faced by the course teaching, this paper puts forward the sustainable improvement of the blended learning mode of the course, reconstructs the teaching content in combination with the talent training program, and reforms the implementation process and evaluation method of the blended learning of the course. Finally, through the comprehensive comparison between non pilot teaching classes and pilot teaching classes, it is concluded that blended learning is more conducive to stimulating students' interest in learning, developing the habit of autonomous learning, improving learning efficiency and enhancing team awareness.

Keywords: OBE concept; teaching content; teaching mode; evaluation method; learning outcome


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