
基于 SPOC 混合式的课程教学模式设计与应用 ——以“大学计算机应用基础”课程为例
冯宗越¹,许鹏 ¹,徐媛媛²
(1. 合肥职业技术学院,安徽 合肥 230012;2. 安徽城市管理职业学院,安徽 合肥 230011)

摘  要:随着高校教学改革和信息化技术的不断深入,混合式教学模式逐渐成为各高校的发展趋势,SPOC 混合教学模式相对传统的课堂教学模式提供了新的着力点。鉴于此,从 SPOC 教育生态角度,展开混合式教学模式设计与应用研究。文章以“大学计算机应用基础”课程为例,基于 SPOC 教育生态实施混合教学。通过数据研究和调研证明,SPOC 混合教学有利于学生个性化发展,学习效果良好,教师教学效果良好,为课程改革提供了参考。



基金项目:合肥职业技术学院 2021 年度校级质量工程 (2021JYXM37);2021 年安徽省高校质量工程项目(2021jxtd247)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                 文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0185-04

Design and Application of Hybrid Curriculum Teaching Mode Based on SPOC—Taking the “College Computer Application Foundation” Course as an Example

FENG Zongyue 1, XU Peng1, XU Yuanyuan2

(1.Hefei Technology College, Hefei 230012, China; 2.Anhui Vocational College of City Management, Hefei 230011, China)

Abstract: With the constant deepening of teaching reform and information technology in colleges and universities, the blending learning mode has gradually become the development trend of colleges and universities. SPOC blending learning mode provides a new focus compared with the traditional classroom teaching mode. In view of this, It carries out the design and application research of blending learning mode from the perspective of SPOC educational ecology. Taking the “college computer application foundation” course as an example, this paper implements blending learning based on SPOC education ecology. Through data research and investigation, it is proved that SPOC blending learning is conducive to the personalized development of students, the learning effect and teaching effect of teachers are good. It provides a reference for curriculum reform.

Keywords: SPOC; teaching mode; blending learning


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