
(河南中医药大学 信息技术学院,河南 郑州 450046)

摘  要:在高校课程的教学中,课程教学质量直接影响着学生学习效果和人才培养的质量。混合式教学模式有机融合线下教学与线上教学各自的优势,既发挥教师的主导作用,也能体现学生的主体性,从而达成更好的教学效果。实践证明,在传统教学中引入课堂派的混合式教学模式,既可以提高课堂互动效果,便于教师掌握课堂互动数据,同时在管理及共享教学资源方面也表现优异,极大地提升了学生学习积极性和课堂教学效果,提高了课程教学质量。



中图分类号:TP39;G434                                   文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0193-03

Practical Research on Blending Learning Mode in University Curriculum Teaching

WANG Zhe, WANG Ang, XU Yanwen

(School of Information Technology, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450046, China)

Abstract: In the teaching of university curriculum, the curriculum teaching quality affects the study effect of students and quality of talent training directly. The blending learning mode integrates the respective advantages of offline teaching and online teaching organically, which not only plays the leading role of teachers, but also reflects the subjectivity of students, so as to achieve better teaching effect. The practice has proved that introducing blending learning mode of Ketangpai into traditional teaching can improve the effect of classroom interaction, which is convenient for teachers to master interaction data in class. Meanwhile, it performs excellent in aspects of managing and sharing teaching resources, greatly improves the learning enthusiasm of students and the effect of classroom teaching, and improves the teaching quality of the curriculum.

Keywords: university curriculum; teaching quality; blending learning mode; Ketangpai 


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