
一种基于 Shell 程序的 Linux 教学管理方法
(贵阳学院 数学与信息科学学院,贵州 贵阳 550005)

摘  要:Linux”课程教学过程中,通过实操作业完成情况了解教学效果是非常有必要的。由于“Linux”课程实操作业涉及很多环节,当学生数量较多时,若要在短时间内准确掌握每个学生的实操作业完成情况是授课教师面临的一个难题。为此,文章就如何安排实操作业,如何使用 Shell 程序检测作业实现精准评价展开讨论,以便为同行提供可供参考的教学管理范例。

关键词:Shell 程序;Linux 课程;教学管理



中图分类号:TP39;G434                                       文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0196-03

A Linux Teaching Management Method Based on Shell Program 

DU Longyin

(College of Mathematics and Information Science, Guiyang University, Guiyang 550005, China)

Abstract: In the teaching process of “Linux” course, it is very necessary to understand the teaching effect through the completion of practical operations. As the practical operation of the “Linux” course involves many links, when there are many students, it is a difficult problem for teachers to accurately master the completion of each student's practical operation in a short time. For this reason, this paper discusses how to arrange practical operations and how to use Shell program to detect operations to achieve accurate evaluation, so as to provide teaching management examples for peers.

Keywords: Shell program; Linux course; teaching management


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