
OBE 理念下“换热器原理与设计”课程线上线下 混合式教学模式探索
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:随着教育事业的不断发展,教育改革势在必行,以教为中心已无法适应现代教育发展的步伐,在西方先进国家正在盛行着一种以结果为导向、以学生为中心的教育理念,目前已发展得比较成熟并被许多国家所采纳。为适应高校教学改革的形势,我校也在积极推进教学改革,作者根据近几年从事“换热器原理与设计”课程教学的经历,在 OBE 教育理念下结合线上线下混合式教学方法,对所授课程教学过程中存在的问题进行分析与总结,从课程教学目标的制订、教学活动的设计、考核方式的优化等几个方面进行了改革尝试,取得了较好的成效。



基金项目:山东华宇工学院 2021 年教改课题项目(2021JG-20)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                  文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0183-05

Exploration on the Online and Offline Blending Learning Mode of the “Heat Exchanger Principle and Design” Course under the OBE Concept


(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: With the continuous development of education, education reform is imperative. Taking teaching as the center has been unable to adapt to the pace of modern education development. In the western advanced countries, a result-oriented and student-centered education concept is prevailing. At present, it has developed maturely and has been adopted by many countries. In order to adapt to the situation of teaching reform in colleges and universities, our school is also actively promoting teaching reform. According to the author's experience in teaching the “Principles and Design of Heat Exchangers” course in recent years, under the OBE education concept and in combination with the online and offline blending learning methods, the author analyzes and summarizes the problems in the teaching process of the taught courses. The reform attempts have been made from the formulation of course teaching objectives, the design of teaching activities, the optimization of assessment methods, and good results have been achieved.

Keywords: result-oriented; blending learning; assessment; activity


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