
5G 基站建设和网络维护课程实验探究
(广东科学技术职业学院,广东 珠海 519090)

摘  要:如今,5G 全面商用及大规模工程建设如火如荼,中国拥有全球最大规模的 5G 商用网络。如此庞大的、前沿的网络系统急需一大批技术高超、经验丰富的产业人员。当前高职教育紧跟行业企业职位需求,纷纷开设对应的 5G 课程。文章着眼于 5G 基础课程的课堂实践,探索虚拟仿真技术在基站建设和网络维护这门课程中的具体应用,助力培养合格的 5G 产业基站建设与维护人员。

关键词:高职教育;5G 基站建设与维护人才培养;虚拟仿真应用



中图分类号:TP391.9;G434                                   文献标识码:A                         文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0188-04

Experimental Research on the Course of 5G Base Station Construction and Network Maintenance

LI Wenjing, WEN Congmin

(Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology, Zhuhai 519090, China)

Abstract: Today, 5G is in full commercial use and large-scale engineering construction. China has the largest 5G commercial network in the world. Such a huge and cutting-edge network system needs a large number of highly skilled and experienced industrial personnel. At present, higher vocational education closely follows the job demand of the industry and enterprises, and has set up corresponding 5G courses. This paper focuses on the classroom practice of 5G basic course, explores the specific application of virtual simulation technology in the course of base station construction and network maintenance, and helps to cultivate qualified 5G industrial base station construction and maintenance personnel.

Keywords: higher vocational education; 5G base station construction and maintenance personnel training; virtual simulation application


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