
(新乡医学院三全学院,河南 新乡 453003)

摘  要:近些年,云计算和大数据技术发展迅速,商用的虚拟化和云计算平台价格授权昂贵,这就迫使民办高校着手建立私有的虚拟化平台,而且对老旧服务器的再利用也可以节约民办高校的数字化校园建设成本。使用开源分布式虚拟化管理平台oVirt 搭建私有的云计算平台,以 TrueNAS 作为存储管理系统,实现计算和存储资源的重新整合与利用,可应用于科研教学实验平台、云桌面、计算机相关教学及系统开发测试等领域。



中图分类号:TP391.9;G434                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0192-04

Research on the Application of Open-Source Virtualization Platform in Private Colleges

GAO Panpan

(Sanquan College of Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang 453003, China)

Abstract: In recent years, cloud computing and big data technology have developed rapidly, and commercial virtualization and cloud computing platforms are expensive to authorize. This has forced private colleges to set up private virtualization platforms, and the reuse of old servers can also save the construction cost of private colleges' digital campus. The open-source distributed virtualization management platform oVirt is used to build a private cloud computing platform. TrueNAS is used as the storage management system to realize the reintegration and utilization of computing and storage resources, which can be applied to scientific research and teaching experimental platform, cloud desktop, computer related teaching, system development testing and other fields.

Keywords: oVirt; virtualization; cloud desktop


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