摘 要:基于扩招背景下工科课程教学改革的现实意义,深入分析了汕尾地区高职院校教学模式现状及存在的问题,用实证研究、综合研究的方法对“模拟电子技术”课程教学进行改革,构建课前—课中—课后相融合的混合式教学模式并实施,使得线上优质资源从单纯的供给向服务于课堂教学进行转变,为高职扩招背景下教学模式的改革提供借鉴。
基金项目:2021 年广东省教育科学规划课题(2021GXJK590);2020 年校级高职扩招教改项目(2020gzkzjg02);2019年校级精品课程(swkc19-005)
中图分类号:TN29;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0195-04
Research on Teaching Reform of Online and Offline Integration of Engineering Courses under the Background of Enrollment Expansion—Take Shanwei Institute of Technology as an Example
CHEN Liya, CHEN Lezhu
(School of Marine, Shanwei Institute of Technology, Shanwei 516600, China)
Abstract: Based on the practical significance of the teaching reform of engineering courses under the background of enrollment expansion, this paper deeply analyzes the current situation and existing problems of the teaching mode of higher vocational colleges in Shanwei, and uses the methods of empirical research and comprehensive research to reform the teaching of “Analog Electronic Technology” courses. Constructing and implementing a blended teaching mode that integrates pre-class, middle and post-class, so that online high-quality resources are transformed from pure supply to serving classroom teaching, and provide reference for the reform of teaching mode under the background of higher vocational enrollment expansion.
Keywords: background of enrollment expansion; engineering course; online and offline; teaching reform
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