
基于学习通 +BOPPPS 模型的混合式教学设计与实践
(河池学院,广西 河池 546300)

摘  要:针对当前数据库教学中存在的痛点问题,学生预习 - 学习 - 复习效果不佳,尝试基于学习通和 BOPPPS 模型的“数据库原理及应用”课程混合式教学实践。通过剖析学习通 +BOPPPS 模型的教学模式基本内涵,接着以“函数查询”为例,围绕课前导入、学习目标和课前摸底,课中参与学习与随堂测试,课后复盘三阶段六环节,提出了学习通 +BOPPPS 模型在数据库教学设计中的具体应用策略。经实践表明,学生的学习积极性和能力产出都有所提升,教学质量也得到了提升。

关键词:学习通;数据库原理及应用;BOPPPS 模型;参与式学习


基金项目:河池学院 2022 年教改一般项目(2022EB009);河池学院 2020 年教改重点项目(2020EZ001)

中图分类号:TP391;G642                              文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)02-0178-04

Design and Practice of Blending Learning Based on Learning APP + BOPPPS Model

SONG Qian, LUO Fugui, XIAO Huihui

(Hechi University, Hech 546300, China)

Abstract: In view of the problem of pain points in the current database teaching, the effect of prepare-learn-review is not good, and this paper tries the blending learning practice of “Database Principle and Application” course based on the Learning APP and POPPPS model. By analyzing the basic connotation of the teaching mode of the Learning APP + BOPPPS model, and then this paper takes the “function query” as an example, focuses on the introduction before class, learning objectives and pre-class exploration, participatory learning and classroom testing in class, and reviewing after class the three stages and six links, and proposes the specific application strategy of Learning APP + BOPPPS model in database teaching design. The practice shows that students' learning enthusiasm and ability output have been improved, and the quality of teaching has also been improved.

Keywords: Learning APP; database principle and application; BOPPPS model; participatory learning


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