摘 要:目前我国的职业教育面临转型升级和提高人才培养质量的巨大挑战。通过当前互联网技术创新教学方法,合理运用信息技术、方法和资源构建混合教学模式,打造“线上”加“线下”的教学和实践体系,采用分组协同学习,小组竞赛对抗的方式,增强学生的团队合作意识,改善课堂内的社会心理气氛、促进学生形成良好的非认知品质,拓展复合型技术技能人才的职业技能与就业本领,激发学生的主观学习能动性,进而有效地提高教学效率和人才培养质量。
中图分类号:TP39;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)02-0181-04
Research on Group Learning Activities under the Blending Learning Mode—Taking“the Data Structure”Course as an Example
(Bohai Shipbuilding Vocational College, Huludao 125105, China)
Abstract: At present, our country's vocational education is facing the huge challenge of transformation and upgrading and improving the quality of personnel training. Through the current internet technology innovation teaching methods, this paper uses reasonably information technology, methods and resources to build a blending learning mode, creates an “online” and “offline” teaching and practice system, uses the methods of group collaborative learning and group competition to enhance students' sense of teamwork, improve the social psychological atmosphere in the classroom, promote students to form good non-cognitive qualities, expand the vocational skills and employment skills of compound technical talents, and stimulate students' subjective learning initiative, then effectively improve teaching efficiency and the quality of personnel training.
Keywords: blending learning mode; group learning; online and offline; learning process evaluation
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