
基于教育数据挖掘的学生画像构建与学情预测 分析研究
(北京理工大学珠海学院,广东 珠海 519088)

摘  要:该研究通过采集学生在校的图书借阅、参加公益活动、上网等行为数据,采用随机森林算法挖掘行为特征与学业成绩之间的关联程度,提取关键特征进行加权计算合并形成新特征,通过基础模型 K-means 算法进行聚类分析,最终将学生划分成自律学霸型、夜猫子上网型和缺乏规划型三类学生。基于 Logistics 回归模型建立预测模型,分别讨论三类群学生的学习成绩预测效果,为教育工作者深入诊断学生的学习状态并给予精准的教学引导和干预提供参考。



基金项目:广东省教育评估协会 2021 年度研究课题(21GJYPG10);北京理工大学珠海学院校级教学改革项目(2020009JXGG)

中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2023)04-0193-06

Research on Student Portrait Construction and Learning Condition Prediction Based on Educational Data Mining


(Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, Zhuhai 519088, China)

Abstract: By collecting the behavioral data of students' book borrowing, participating in public welfare activities and surfing the Internet, this paper uses the random forest algorithm to mine the correlation degree between behavior characteristics and academic performance, and the key characteristics are extracted to weight and calculate for merger to form new characteristics. Through the clustering analysis of the basic model K-means algorithm, the students are divided into three types of excellent performance in self-discipline, late sleepers with Internet access and lack of planning. This paper establishes a prediction model based on the logistic regression model, and discusses the prediction effect of the three types of students, which provides a reference for educators to deeply diagnose students' learning status and give precise teaching guidance and intervention.

Keywords: educational data mining; behavioral data; student portrait; correlation; prediction analysis


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