摘 要:随着我国工业化步伐的推进,传统手绘和手工模型制作的教学方法已无法满足培养高素质应用型人才的需求,将三维数字化建模和 FDM 打印制作引入工业产品模型设计教学,通过任务驱动完成设计构想、数字建模、FDM 打印、模型评估改进全流程,具有直观、迅速、易于修改等优势,通过混合式教学模式将传统面对面的课堂教学知识点、实验实操技能点与线上学习资源进行深度融合,线上线下优势互补,突破了传统教学时间、空间限制,有效提升了学习效果。
关键词:数字建模;FDM 打印;工业产品设计;实践教学
中图分类号:TP39;TH164 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0167-04
Blending Learning Application of Industrial Product Model Design Based on Digital Modeling and FDM Printing Technology
HU Xingye, ZOU Zechang
(School of Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing, Fujian Chuanzheng Communications College, Fuzhou 350007, China)
Abstract: With the advancement of Chinese industrialization, the traditional teaching method of hand-painted hand-made models can no longer meet the needs of cultivating high-quality applied talents. It introduces 3D digital modeling and FDM printing production into industrial product model design teaching, completes the whole process of design conception, digital modeling, FDM printing, model evaluation and improvement by task driven, and it has the advantages of intuition, rapidity and easy modification. Through the blending learning mode, the traditional face-to-face classroom teaching knowledge points, experimental practical skills points and online learning resources are deeply integrated, and the online and offline advantages are complementary, which breaks through the limitation of traditional teaching time and space and effectively improves the learning effect.
Keywords: digital modeling; FDM printing; industrial product design; practical teaching
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