摘 要:随着我国产业结构的转型升级,教育部提出新工科的建设,并动员全国高校积极推进高等教育的改革。新工科更加强调学科的实用性、交叉性与综合性。文章探索新工科背景下物联网工程专业的实践教学模式,该模式不但注重学生专业基础知识的夯实,而且还注重对学生工程实践能力和创新意识的培养。此外,还提出了交叉学科的融合实践课程体系,制定出符合物联网专业特点的实践教学方案,在整合优化多学科实践资源的基础上,建立了校企合作物联网实训平台,此举既提升了教学质量,又推动了行业发展。
中图分类号:TP393;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0171-04
Exploration of Practical Teaching System of Internet of Things Engineering Specialty under the Background of New Engineering
CAO Yuanqing
(School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hetao College, Bayan Nur 015000, China)
Abstract: With the transformation and upgrading of China's industrial structure, the Ministry of Education has proposed the construction of new engineering and mobilized colleges and universities across the country to actively promote the reform of higher education. The new engineering emphasizes more on the practicality, intersection and comprehensiveness of the discipline. This paper explores the practical teaching mode of the Internet of Things engineering specialty under the background of new engineering. This mode not only focuses on the consolidation of students' professional basic knowledge, but also focuses on the cultivation of students' engineering practical ability and innovation consciousness. In addition, it has also proposed a cross-disciplinary integrated practice curriculum system, developed a practical teaching program that conforms to the characteristics of the Internet of Things specialty, and established a schoolenterprise cooperation Internet of Things training platform on the basis of integrating and optimizing multidisciplinary practical resources, which not only improves the teaching quality, but also promotes the development of the industry.
Keywords: new engineering; Internet of Things engineering; practical teaching; interdisciplinary; school-enterprise cooperation
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