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刍议5G 与数字经济的融合
(海南电信规划设计院有限公司,海南 海口 570216)

摘  要:5G 是当前最新一代的移动通信技术的简称,是当前正在应用中的4G 技术的延伸,目前在世界范围内5G 仍处于理论研究与应用试验阶段。就目前全球经济大的发展趋势来看,数字技术已经渗透到了各个行业区块的发展之中,信息化程度的高低已经成为了各个经济领域乃至国家之间的竞争核心。5G 技术能够大幅度提升数字信息传输的速率,一旦进入大规模的商用时代,必然会对数字经济的发展产生极大的助力,进而使人们的生活更加便捷、美好。


中图分类号:TN929.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0052-003

The Integration of 5G and Digital Economy
LIU Guangyuan
(Hainan Telecom Planning and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Haikou 570216,China)

Abstract:5G is the abbreviation of the latest generation of mobile communication technology. It is an extension of the current application of 4G technology. At present,5G is still in the stage of theoretical research and application test worldwide. In view of the current global economic development trend,digital technology has penetrated into the development of various sectors,and the level of informatization has become the core of competition in various economic fields and even among countries. 5G technology can greatly improve the speed of digital information transmission. Once entering the large-scale commercial era,it will certainly give great help to the development of digital economy,and then make people’s life more convenient and better.

Keywords:5G;information technology;digital technology;digital economy


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