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(广东省科技基础条件平台中心,广东 广州 510033)

摘  要:《基于以太网技术的局域网(LAN)系统验收测试方法》(GB/T21671-2018)已于2019 年1 月1 日实施,代替2008 版的标准。与旧标准相比,新标准的变化非常大。为应对新标准对测试方法和测试设备的要求,本文根据政府信息化项目验收测试经验和未来验收发展趋势,探讨既可满足新标准要求,又能够减少购买新的测试仪器费用的一些解决方法。


中图分类号:TN925.93        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0062-03

Discussion on Application of Local Area Network (LAN)
System Acceptance Test Method
YAO Zufa
(Guangdong Science and Technology Infrastructure Center,Guangzhou 510033,China)

Abstract“Local Area Network (LAN) System Acceptance Test Method Based on Ethernet Technology” (GB/T21671-2018) was implemented on January 1,2019,replacing the 2008 version of the standard. The new standard has changed very much compared to the old standard. In order to meet the requirements of the new standard for test methods and test equipment,this paper based on the government information project acceptance test experience and future acceptance trends,to explore some solutions to meet the new standard requirements,but also reduce the cost of purchasing new test equipment.

Keywords:Ethernet technology;LAN system;informatization project


[1] GB/T 21671-2008,基于以太网技术的局域网系统验收测评规范 [S]. 北京:中国标准出版社,2008.

[2] GB/T 21671-2018,基于以太网技术的局域网(LAN)系统验收测试方法 [S]. 北京:中国标准出版社,2018.
