摘 要:本文主要从系统设计、功能实现、整体架构的角度介绍了基于 B/S 模式下的模拟试衣间系统。本文还着重地介绍了 Salted Password Hashing 加密算法与传统的哈希函数加密算法之间存在的区别与联系,Salted Password Hashing 加密算法在传统的软件系统中能够发挥重要作用,以及 RESTful 架构下软件系统的使用设计、实现方案及 REST 设计规范为实际软件编 程带来的便利。
关键词:模拟试衣间系统;RESTful;前后端分离;Salted Password Hashing
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0196-03
W eb Fitting-room System Based on R ESTful Structure andSalted Passw ord H ashing A lgorithm
(Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,School of Software and Communacation Engineering,Nanchang 330013,China)
Abstract: The article mainly investigates into the design,functions and structure of the simulated fitting room system basedon the B/S pattern,emphasizing the differences and associations between the Salted Password Hashing and traditional Hashingalgorithm,Salted Password Hashing encryption algorithm can play an important role in traditional software systems,and the usedesign,implementation scheme and REST design specifications of software systems under RESTful architecture bring convenience toactual software programming.
Keywords: simulated fitting room system;RESTful;front-back end decoupling;Salted Password Hashing
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