摘 要:科学技术的迅速发展,虽然加快了物联网的发展和应用速度,但由此引发的一系列安全问题与隐私问题,已经成为制约物联网长期可持续发展的关键因素,所以相关部门必须在加强物联网安全问题与隐私问题研究和分析力度的基础上,制定切实可行的措施,才能确保物联网的长期可持续发展。本文主要就物联网应用面临的安全与隐私问题进行了简要的阐述和分析。
中图分类号:TN915.08;TP391.44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0161-03
Research on the Security and Privacy of Internet of Things Application
SHENG Guoping
(Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics,Hangzhou 310018,China)
Abstract:The rapid development of science and technology has accelerated the development and application of the internet of things,but a series of security and privacy issues have become the key factors restricting the long-term sustainable development of the internet of things. Therefore,the relevant departments must strengthen the research and analysis of internet of things security and privacy issues,and formulate practical measures to ensure the long-term sustainable development of the internet of things. This article mainly elaborates and analyses the security and privacy problems faced by internet of things applications.
Keywords:internet of things applications;network security;perception layer;network layer;application layer
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