摘 要:本文结合电网系统中封闭式10kV 高压开关柜的工程应用需求,提出新型无源无线温度传感方法和开关柜无线测温智能监控系统的监测技术,最后结合变电站的挂网测试算例说明监控系统的安装工艺和应用效果。该系统的应用可有效提高电网运行部门的设备巡检自动化水平,加强电网设备的安全管控,同时具有广泛的工程应用前景。
中图分类号:TM591;TP212.11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0179-03
Application Research on Online Temperature Measurement System of 10kV High Voltage Switchgear Electrical Equipment
FENG Yijia,ZHANG Zhizhong
(State Grid Zhejiang Yueqing Power Supply Co.,Ltd.,Yueqing 325600,China)
Abstract:This paper combines the engineering application requirements of closed 10kV high voltage switchgear in power grid system,and proposes a new passive wireless temperature sensing method and monitoring technology of switchboard wireless temperature measurement intelligent monitoring system. Finally,the installation process and application effect of the monitoring system are illustrated by a test example of substation network connection. The application of the system can effectively improve the level of equipment inspection automation of the grid operation department,strengthen the safety control of the grid equipment,and has a wide range of engineering application prospects.
Keywords:wireless temperature measurement;online monitoring;switchgear;sensor technology
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