摘 要:在现代社会,科技发展迅速,而科技的不断发展也使人类的生活变得更加便利。在我们的生活中经常会用到一些科技,其中GPS 技术的应用尤为普遍,GPS 是Global Positioning System 的简称,即全球定位系统。全球定位系统是在20 世纪70 年代,由美国陆海空三军共同联合研制出的一种军用科技,随着战争淡出人们的视野,这项技术也开始平民化,直到今天,GPS 几乎无处不在,现在几乎每一部智能手机都可以使用GPS 进行定位和导航,十分方便人们出行。由上所述可知,GPS 与我们的生活密不可分,而GPS 在危险品的运输行业中也起着重要的作用,本文就以危险物品运输行业为例,小议GPS 在其中的应用。
中图分类号:TN967.1;P228.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0181-02
Application of GPS in Dangerous Goods Transportation Industry
ZHANG Xuefeng
(Zuoquan County Road Transportation Administration Institute,Jinzhong 032600,China)
Abstract:In modern society,science and technology develop rapidly,and the continuous development of science and technology makes human life more convenient. In our life,we often use some technology,especially GPS technology. GPS is the abbreviation of Global Positioning System,that is Global Positioning System. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a military technology developed jointly by the US Army,Navy and Air Forces in the 1970s. With the war fading out of people’s vision,this technology began to become civilian. Until today,GPS is almost everywhere. Now almost every intelligent mobile phone can use GPS to locate and navigate. It’s very convenient for people to travel. From the above,we can know that GPS is inseparable from our life,and GPS also plays an important role in the transport of dangerous goods. This paper takes the transport of dangerous goods industry as an example to discuss the application of GPS in it.
Keywords:global positioning system;vehicle supervision;dangerous goods transportation
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