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基于 STC89C52 单片机的智能家居监测器设计与实现方案
(西安汽车职业大学电子信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710600)

摘  要:对智能家居使用需求进行了研究,分析了传统家居监测现状,进行了智能家居监测可行性调查,提出了一种基于STC89C52 单片机的控制方案,设计了一款嵌入式智能家居监测控制终端。以 ARM7TDMI 处理器为核心,集主控单元、蓝牙功能、数字温湿度传感器、继电控制、无源蜂鸣报警及电源稳压等为一体,通过扩展 RF 模块组建智能 Wi-Fi 无线网络,使用无线通信进行实时监控与远程控制,对智能家居环境温湿度进行监测调控,提升家庭生活现代化水。

关键词:STC89C52 单片机;智能家居监测器;设计与实现;集成方案


中图分类号:TP368                                       文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)01-0175-04

Design and Implementation Solution of Smart Home Monitoring Meter Based on STC89C52 Single-chip Microcomputer


(School of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi'an Automobile Vocational University, Xi'an 710600, China)

Abstract: This paper studies the use requirements of smart home, analyzes the current situation of traditional home monitoring, investigates the feasibility of smart home monitoring, puts forward a control scheme based on STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer, and designs an embedded smart home monitoring and control terminal. Taking ARM7TDMI processor as the core, it integrates the main control unit, Bluetooth function, digital temperature and humidity sensor, relay control, passive buzzer alarm and power supply voltage stabilization, establishes an intelligent Wi-Fi wireless network by expanding RF module, uses wireless communication for real-time monitoring and remote control, monitors and regulates the temperature and humidity of smart home environment, and improves the modern level of family life.

Keywords: STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer; smart home monitoring meter; design and implementation; integrated solution


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