摘 要:在轨道交通中,地铁列车门自动开关继电器、无线组匣系统、Wago 端子是整个地铁运营中重要的组成部分。上述三种设备均没有成熟有效的监控手段。针对列车门自动开关继电器、无线组匣、Wago 端子日常巡检效率低下,日常故障频发的情况 , 为了使辅助措施能准确地判断出故障点所在,文章提供一种采用外部接触式传感器,拒绝接入设备内部线路的监控手段。在有效提供准确的设备性能状态的同时,保证所有设备的完整性与可靠性。
关键词:地铁车辆自动开关门继电器;无线组匣系统;Wago 端子;日常检测;外部接触式传感器;实时监控
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0153-05
Research on Train Door Sensor Technology in Subway Operation
WANG Fei, QU Tong, SONG Shasha
(Maintenance Seven Project Department, Communication Signal Branch of Beijing Metro Operation Co., Ltd., Beijing 100080, China)
Abstract: In rail transit, the subway door automatic switch relay, wireless modular block system and Wago terminal are important parts of the whole subway operation. There is no mature and effective monitoring method for all the above three devices. In view of the situation of low efficiency of daily inspection of the subway door automatic switch relay, wireless modular block and Wago terminal and the frequent occurrence of daily faults, in order to make the auxiliary measures can accurately determine the fault points, this paper provides a monitoring method that adopts external contact sensor and refuses access to the internal circuit of the equipment. It ensures the integrity and reliability of all the equipment while effectively provides accurate performance status of the equipment.
Keywords: automatic opening and closing relay for subway vehicle; wireless modular block system; Wago terminal; daily inspection; external contact sensor; real-time monitoring
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