摘 要:计算机网络信息安全管理问题是我国目前亟待解决的重要问题。对计算机信息网络信息安全进行有效的保护要依赖于计算机网络安全信息保护策略的完善部署,计算机网络安全信息保护策略是我国目前重点研究的项目之一。西藏自治区党委网信办依据相关的标准和法规,分析当前计算机网络信息安全防护策略现状,对几种常用的安全防护策略以及相关计算机网络信息安全风险的评估算法进行研究,用以指导防范公共网络信息系统安全管理问题。
中图分类号:TP309 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)08-0140-03
Research on Computer Network Information Security Protection Strategy and Evaluation Algorithm
YANG Pinfang
(Network Information Office of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region,Lhasa 850000,China)
Abstract:Computer network information security is an important issue to be solved urgently in China. Effective protection of computer information network information security depends on the perfect deployment of computer network security information protection strategy,because computer network security information protection strategy is one of the key research projects in China. The Network Information Office of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region shall comply with relevant standards and regulations, the current status of computer network information security protection strategy is analyzed,and several commonly used security protection strategies and related computer network information security risk evaluation algorithms are studied to guide prevention Security management of public network information system.
Keywords:computer network;information security;protection strategy
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