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智慧党建结合VR 技术建设高校党建的可行性分析
(安徽中医药大学,安徽 合肥 230038)

摘  要:党的建设是党领导的伟大事业不断取得胜利的秘诀,高校党的建设更是中国共产党建设中重要的组成部分。推动高校党建的形式创新,对推进我国党建的发展完善有着重要价值。在此以“互联网+”为载体,基于实地调研数据,对开展高校VR+ 智慧党建平台的可行性进行深入探讨。


中图分类号:D267.6         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0128-04

The Feasibility Analysis of the Combination of Intelligent Party Building and
VR Technology in the Construction of Party Building in Colleges and Universities
BAI Huimin,JI Tian,LYU Mi,LAI Xilin,XIAO Ai,MO Xupeng,PENG Qinghe
(Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei 230038,China)

Abstract:Party building is an important secret to the success of the great cause under the leadership of the Party,and the Party building in colleges and universities is an important part of the construction of the Communist Party of China. Promoting the innovation of the form of Party building in colleges and universities is of great value to the development and perfection of party building in China. In this paper,“Internet plus” as carrier,based on field research data,the feasibility of developing VR plus intelligent Party building platform in colleges and universities is deeply discussed.

Keywords:smart Party building in colleges and universities;VR;feasibility study


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