摘 要:在高中数学函数教学过程中,如何提升学生的数学核心素养是教师需要研究的问题。学生学习数学的过程,是学生的认知过程与其情感、意志形成相辅相成的过程,也是学生建构新知、经历思维、提升创新意识、塑造健全人格的过程。而教师借助信息技术在高中数学教学中的应用,能对学生数学核心素养的培养起到非常重要的作用,本文通过案例阐述了在高中数学函数教学过程中如何利用信息技术来培养学生的核心素养。
中图分类号:G623.5;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0129-03
Mathematics Function Teaching in Senior High School under“Information Technology plus Mathematics Core Literacy”
YAN Chun
(No.6 Middle School of Changde,Changde 415000,China)
Abstract:In the process of high school mathematics function teaching,how to improve students’mathematics core literacy is a problem that teachers need to study. The process of students’learning mathematics is a process in which their cognitive process is complementary to the formation of students’emotion and will. It is also a process in which students construct new knowledge,experience thinking,enhance innovative consciousness and shape sound personality. With the help of information technology,teachers can play a very important role in the cultivation of students’ mathematics core literacy. This paper expounds how to use information technology to cultivate students’core literacy in the process of high school mathematics function teaching through a case study.
Keywords:mathematics core literacy;information technology;super sketchpad;high school mathematics;function teaching
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