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(黔南民族师范学院,贵州 都匀 558000)

摘  要:随着社会的发展,我国教育制度不断完善和优化,当前在实际的教学工作中也更加注重采用智慧课堂。智慧课堂在我国教育的发展过程中占据着重要的地位,同时智慧课堂也是我国未来教育发展的趋势。在应用智慧课堂的背景下学生学习的积极性和主动性将会大幅度提升,为学生营造一种良好的学习氛围。当前应该怎样利用信息技术来提高教学质量依旧是我国教学工作中的难题,也是构建智慧课堂面临的主要挑战。因此,本文围绕智慧课堂研究现状展开分析,通过详细地了解智慧课堂基本理论体系以及结构的优化,进一步探究当前在应用智慧课堂中对其研究现状的分析。


中图分类号:G434;G642.4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0122-02

Analysis of the Current Situation of Intelligence Classroom Research

HE Can,LI Mingjiang

(Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities,Duyun 558000,China)

Abstract:With the development of society,China’s education system has been constantly improved and optimized. At present,in the actual teaching work,more attention has been paid to the use of intelligent classroom. Intelligent classroom plays an important role in the development of education in China. At the same time,intelligent classroom is also the trend of future education development in China. Under the background of applied wisdom classroom,students’enthusiasm and initiative in learning will be greatly improved,and a good learning atmosphere will be created for students. At present,how to use information technology to improve the quality of teaching is still a difficult problem in our teaching work,and it is also the main challenge to build a smart classroom. Therefore,this paper will focus on the current situation of intelligent classroom research to carry out analysis,through a detailed understanding of the basic theoretical system of intelligent classroom and the optimization of its structure,and further explore the current situation in the application of intelligent classroom research.

Keywords:smart classroom;teaching platform;cloud platform


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