摘 要:随着计算机网络互联技术和多媒体技术的飞速发展和5G 时代的到来,2019 年很可能成为第四次工业革命的元年,如何更好地利用信息技术将成为许多研究人员关注的焦点。作者作为一名中学体育教师,认为应该把握好这样的一个契机,将信息技术充分地融入体育课堂,并且尝试与众多学科相结合。无论是现在流行的“STEAM”课程或是“STEM”课程,如何能将其与各学科进行有效地整合与利用,从而提高教师教学质量和学生的学习效率,使得学生在多方面得到锻炼与培养,才是体育教师应关注的重点。 计算机信息技术;体育教学;教育信息化;互联网+
中图分类号:G633.96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0102-02
Integration of Information Technology and Physical Education in Middle Schools
(Tsinghua University High School,Beijing 100084,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of computer network interconnection technology and multimedia technology,and the advent of 5G era,2019 is likely to be the first year of the fourth industrial revolution. How to make better use of information technology will become the focus of many researchers. As a middle school physical education teacher,we should grasp such an opportunity,fully integrate information technology into the physical education classroom,and try to integrate with many disciplines. Whether it is the “STEAM” course or the “STEM” course,how to effectively integrate and utilize the various disciplines,so as to improve the quality of teachers’teaching and students’learning efficiency,so that students can be exercised and trained in many ways,which is the focus of our sports people.
Keywords:computer information technology;physical education;education informatization;internet plus
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