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人工智能在校园智慧图书馆中的应用与研究——基于人脸识别与RFID 技术
(北京市朝阳区人大附中朝阳分校,北京 100028)

摘  要:随着我国科学技术的进一步发展,相关科研人员更加注重对人工智能技术的研究,在此基础上,人脸识别技术以及RFID 技术在一定程度上得到了充分的发展。我国各大学校为变革传统的图书馆管理模式,加大了智慧图书馆的建设力度,积极引进了人脸识别以及RFID 技术,并且将其大力应用在图书馆中,期望能够以此来推动图书馆相关工作高效进行。本文将根据人脸识别结合RFID 技术的概念、应用现状、优势等方面进行全方位详细的分析,从而为校园建设智慧图书馆提供一定的参考。

关键词:人脸识别;RFID 技术;校园智慧图书馆

中图分类号:G250.7;TP18         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-0133-03

Application and Research of Artificial Intelligence in Campus Intelligent Library

——Face Recognition and RFID Technology

HUANG Shaolun,SUN Dongxu

(RDFZ Chaoyang Branch School,Beijing 100028,China)

Abstract:With the further development of science and technology in our country,relevant researchers pay more attention to the research of artificial intelligence technology. On this basis,face recognition technology and RFID technology have been developed comprehensively to a certain extent. In order to change the traditional management mode of libraries,universities in China have intensified the construction of intelligent libraries,actively introduced face recognition and RFID technology,and vigorously applied them in libraries,hoping to promote the efficient implementation of library-related work. According to the concept,application status and advantages of face recognition combined with RFID technology,this paper makes a comprehensive and detailed analysis,so as to provide some reference for the construction of Intelligent Library on campus.

Keywords:face recognition;RFID technology;campus intelligence library


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