摘 要:近年来,随着我国禽畜养殖业的快速发展,使得各地区的羊场规模随之扩大,由此对羊场的管理工作提出更高的要求。为满足管理工作的需要,羊场应当加快信息化系统的建设进程。基于此,本文从羊场信息化系统建设的技术方案分析入手,论述了羊场信息化系统建设的实现途径。期望通过本文的研究能够对羊场管理水平的提升有所帮助。
中图分类号:TP311.52;S826 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0109-03
Research on the Construction of Sheep Farm Information System
CHANG Xuechuan
(Songshan Shaolin Wushu College,Dengfeng 452470,China)
Abstract:In recent years,with the rapid development of animal husbandry in China,the scale of sheep farms in various regions has been expanded,which puts forward higher requirements for the management of sheep farms. In order to meet the needs of management,sheep farm should speed up the construction process of information system. Based on this point,this paper starts with the analysis of the technical scheme of sheep farm information system construction ,and discusses the realization way of sheep farm information system construction. It is hoped that the research in this paper can help to improve the management level of sheep farm.
Keywords:sheep farm informatization system;system design;intellectualization
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