摘 要:如今,陶瓷膜因其优良的热稳定性和化学稳定性等优点而成为高效节能、对环境友好的分离材料,已成为解决水资源、能源、环境等重大问题的共性技术之一。本文基于Innography 专利分析平台,从专利申请、技术来源、专利布局、竞争态势、IPC 技术类别等角度对全球陶瓷膜应用于食品加工领域的发展态势进行了分析探讨,并对该领域重要专利进行了挖掘,以期对相关行业研究者及从业者有所启示。
关键词:陶瓷膜分离技术;Innography 专利分析平台;食品加工
中图分类号:TS205;G306 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0111-03
Patent Information Analysis of Ceramic Membrane Technology Application in Food Processing Based on Innography
(Information Service Department of Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211816,China)
Abstract:Nowadays,ceramic membrane has become an efficient,energy-saving and environment-friendly separation material due to its excellent thermal stability and chemical stability,which has become one of the common technologies to solve the major problems of water resources,energy,environment and so on. Based on the Innography patent analysis platform,this paper analyzes and discusses the development trend of the application of ceramic membrane in the field of food processing from the perspectives of patent application, technology source,patent layout,competition situation,IPC technology category,etc.,and excavates the important patents in this field,in order to give some enlightenment to the researchers and practitioners in related industries.
Keywords:ceramic membrane separation technology;Innography patent analysis platform;food processing
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