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(湖北中烟卷烟材料厂,湖北 武汉 430050)

摘  要:企业信息化管理是计算机网络技术发展的产物,也是知识经济时代对各大企业提出的新挑战和要求。企业要适应时代发展的客观要求,就必须构建适合自身发展的信息化管理平台,促进企业发展。以互联网和无线移动网络为代表的现代信息技术的快速发展及其广泛的商业化应用赋予了现代企业管理新的快捷低成本解决方案和模式,企业如何构建信息化管理平台成为了其发展过程中的重要瓶颈问题之一。本文先分析了企业信息管理平台的构建策略,包括长远布局、重塑业务流程、加强平台架构设计,随后重点进行了案例分析,包括设计目标、设计原则、设计思路和设计架构,希望能给相关人士提供有效参考。


中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0126-03

Analysis on the Construction Strategy of Enterprise Information Management Platform

DU Jianjing,CHENG Fan,XIAO Haixia,CHEN Zhaoyang

(Hubei Zhongyan Cigarette Material Factory,Wuhan 430050,China)

Abstract:Enterprise information management is the product of the development of computer network technology,and it is also a new challenge and requirement for major enterprises in the era of knowledge economy. To adapt to the objective requirements of the development of the times,enterprises must build an information management platform suitable for their own development to promote the development of enterprises. The rapid development of modern information technology represented by internet and wireless mobile network and its extensive commercial application endow modern enterprise management with new quick and low-cost solutions and modes. How to build an information management platform for enterprises has become one of the important bottlenecks in its development process.This paper first analyzes the construction strategy of enterprise information management platform,including long-term layout,business process reconstruction,and platform architecture design. Then it focuses on the case analysis,including design objectives,design principles,design ideas and design architecture,hoping to provide effective reference for relevant people.

Keywords:enterprise informatization;information management platform;micro service


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