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信息化应用2018 年3 期

(三门峡职业技术学院,河南 三门峡 472000)

摘  要:随着我国互联网的兴起,大学生作为最能接受新事物的群体之一,成为互联网文化活动的主力军。本文阐述了大学生思想的特点,分析了网络舆情监控及校园稳定维护面临的困难,并提出了几点对策措施。


中图分类号:G641         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0131-02

Network Public Opinion monitoring of College Students and the Maintenance of Campus Stability
XU Xiaoyan,LYU Yujie
(Sanmenxia Polytechnic,Sanmenxia 472000,China)

Abstract:With the rise of internet in China,college students as one of the most receptive groups of new things,have become the main force of internet cultural activities. This paper expounds the characteristics of college students' thoughts,analyzes the difficulties faced by network public opinion monitoring and campus stability maintenance,and puts forward some countermeasures.

Keywords:college student;network public opinion;monitor;campus stable;maintenance


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